Welcome to my little corner of the world! My time is spent with family and friends, driving school bus, and quilting. Also like to do scrapbooking and counted cross stitch.
Currently helping two kids get moved and settled into their new apartments. One more day of moving furniture and we should have everything moved. My home is getting soooo empty!
Quilting wise, I am making progress on my Third Week In October quilt. Thanks Lesa for getting me hooked on this one! Definately out of my normal comfort zone, but I am enjoying the challenge! Also started piecing a quilt that will be given to DS and FDIL on thier wedding day. The quilt for DD #2's graduation gift is at the quilters now. Need to get a wall hanging started for DD #1's BF............seems there is never a shortage of those wanting/needing quilts. That's ok, making quilts keeps me sane!
I am also "trying" to do some machine quilting on my own.........doing almost as much unsewing and quilting!
Now, off to spend a lazy afternoon watching TV with DH or maybe some reading.........