well, kind of! So much has happened it will take me awhile to get caught up and I will work on that over the next few days!
I am pretty much adjusted to being alone a lot and am keeping busy. Still have a few "things" to work through, but god has brought us thus far and I am confident He will see us through the rest!
Mic comes home tomorrow for the winter break so will be busy helping her with some "stuff" but hope to get you all caught up on here too!
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Nothing much going on as far as quilting.....so sad. I did make Mic a pair of lounging pants out of Nascar fabric this past week before my world fell apart. Due to some "life crisis" I am taking a leave of absence. Hopefully after school's back in session everything will get back on track. I don't enjoy the situation I'm in, but am positive with time it will get better.
back soon, I hope.
back soon, I hope.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Still quilting.......
Even with all the doctor appointments, school planning, movingrooms around and sweet corn, I still found time to quilt! About time! We decided we couldn't make a quilt for "T" and not his sister, so here's what we came up with:


Sunday, August 3, 2008
Been a busy week. Cleaning and moving rooms around here at home....was going to finish up today but a phone call changed my plans.
My Mom called at 8 this morning and informed me that Dad had taken a turn for the worse, he's been sick since Tuesday. In fact she was in the process of calling 911......I of course dropped everything and dove the five miles to their house. Got there before the "squad" and found a very pale, clammy, man sitting in his lift chair. Took his b/p and checked his sugar level immediately and they were ok........did find out he was having dizziness again and felt like passing out-----not exactly what I wanted to hear! He's already fallen 14 times since Jan. 1st!
A ride to ER in the squad for him and Mom and I followed in the car. Tests were run, again, and about all they can find is an inner ear infection and soe dehydration. Since he already has a lot of health roblems, it was decided he would stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. I fneally left there around 5:30 . Nine hours at the hospital was NOT how I had planned on spending my day alone! I WAS going toget my sewing room cleaned up and everything in place so I could sew and quilt again next week----oh well, my dad will be 76 on Wednesday, so time spent with him is pretty precious right now!
So now I am going to try to get some sleep and will check in later this week....
My Mom called at 8 this morning and informed me that Dad had taken a turn for the worse, he's been sick since Tuesday. In fact she was in the process of calling 911......I of course dropped everything and dove the five miles to their house. Got there before the "squad" and found a very pale, clammy, man sitting in his lift chair. Took his b/p and checked his sugar level immediately and they were ok........did find out he was having dizziness again and felt like passing out-----not exactly what I wanted to hear! He's already fallen 14 times since Jan. 1st!
A ride to ER in the squad for him and Mom and I followed in the car. Tests were run, again, and about all they can find is an inner ear infection and soe dehydration. Since he already has a lot of health roblems, it was decided he would stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. I fneally left there around 5:30 . Nine hours at the hospital was NOT how I had planned on spending my day alone! I WAS going toget my sewing room cleaned up and everything in place so I could sew and quilt again next week----oh well, my dad will be 76 on Wednesday, so time spent with him is pretty precious right now!
So now I am going to try to get some sleep and will check in later this week....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Painting & Moving........
I haven't touched my sewing machine lately! Believe me, I look at it longingly daily, but just have been to busy with other "things."
Ry and Amber found a 3 bedroom mobile home last Monday to rent, getting them ut of thier small one bedroom apartment. BUT, all the walls were a ucky gray/black, so we started painting. Primer was put on Tuesday and Wednesday and we started the final coats on Thursday. All repainted except the "office" by noon on Saturday and the moving began. Had everything moved by 6 but not unpacked.......they will take their time unpacking this week after work.
I also attended my 35th class reunion Saturday evening---what a joy to see some classmates I haven't seen in awhile (some 37 years!). Had a wondeful time.
Yesterday I decided it was time to finally empty out the storage room and turn it into the guest bedroom it is supposed to be! Mic wasn't to thrilled with me as she had the day off and had to help! But, there is actually "moving" room in there now. Two trips to the Goodwill box, a few bags into the trash, everthing sorted and put back into place.....looks pretty good if I say so myself! Now if only the other two rooms I want to change around were done! Maybe if I ask nicely, Stac will come home and help me? Mic has to work everyday now until she leaves for college so my "helper" is gone during the day.........we shall see.
Kids that are here tonight are watching a ball game and on thier laptops, so maybe I'll go sew for a little while? Altho a nap sounds wonderful!
Ry and Amber found a 3 bedroom mobile home last Monday to rent, getting them ut of thier small one bedroom apartment. BUT, all the walls were a ucky gray/black, so we started painting. Primer was put on Tuesday and Wednesday and we started the final coats on Thursday. All repainted except the "office" by noon on Saturday and the moving began. Had everything moved by 6 but not unpacked.......they will take their time unpacking this week after work.
I also attended my 35th class reunion Saturday evening---what a joy to see some classmates I haven't seen in awhile (some 37 years!). Had a wondeful time.
Yesterday I decided it was time to finally empty out the storage room and turn it into the guest bedroom it is supposed to be! Mic wasn't to thrilled with me as she had the day off and had to help! But, there is actually "moving" room in there now. Two trips to the Goodwill box, a few bags into the trash, everthing sorted and put back into place.....looks pretty good if I say so myself! Now if only the other two rooms I want to change around were done! Maybe if I ask nicely, Stac will come home and help me? Mic has to work everyday now until she leaves for college so my "helper" is gone during the day.........we shall see.
Kids that are here tonight are watching a ball game and on thier laptops, so maybe I'll go sew for a little while? Altho a nap sounds wonderful!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"T"s quilt is done! My week didn't exactly go as planned so I finished his quilt! Now I've started one for his sister.....am hoping to finish it within a week! Guess I have my work cut out for me, don't I?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
New Quilt in progress
We have had a young gentleman here off and on over the past few weeks. He remarked about all the quilts in the house and Mic told him that that's mom's hobby.
She then asked him, "If you could have your very
own quilt, what color would it be?"
Without missing a beat he replied, "ORANGE!"
After being informed that it usually takes more than one color, he also said, "dark blue."
Mic went raiding my stash! Here is the top she asked me to make for T-Jay. I am hoping to get it quilted tomorrow and the binding on before Tuesday when he returns for a few days again.
She then asked him, "If you could have your very
Without missing a beat he replied, "ORANGE!"
After being informed that it usually takes more than one color, he also said, "dark blue."
Mic went raiding my stash! Here is the top she asked me to make for T-Jay. I am hoping to get it quilted tomorrow and the binding on before Tuesday when he returns for a few days again.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day to Day
Last week was a really hard week for me! I am so used to having people around me all the time and all of a sudden I found myself totally alone!!! I will admit I had a breakdown one day, but through the thoughts & prayers of friends, I made it through! Now, I guess I know what I'm in for when Mic leaves for college next month?? But then I will also be back to work, so may be able to deal with it better?
Anyway, I did get to work on the quilt I started for "T." Thought I was done with the top until I laid it out to match up the backing---whoa! The top wasn't "square" like it should of been so now I am redoing all the borders. Have the last round to add yet. Need to finish it up today as I have an appointment with a machine quilter on Thursday to quilt it.
Stac was home one day and looking at a quilt book Carolyn (http://ohioquilter.blogspot.com/)sent me. She saw a quilt pictured in there she really liked so
went on a hunt for fabric in "stash." She found a few larger pieces she liked and ask if I thought she could make the top? Well, yeah, you can sew and you can learn how to piece quilts too! She left for home with one block completed, the fabric, the book, one of my cutting mats, a cutter, an 18" ruler and a square ruler! Oh, she also grabbed the back-up sewing machine. I get a few calls a day when she runs into snags, but she is progressing well. I can't wait to see the top! I am thrilled that at least one of my girls is starting to share my love of quilting!

Mic is working again now that she's home from Chicago (she went there with the youth group last week). She also is playing some soccer and softball. Keeps me busy in the evevnings. Last night she played soccer in Wooster at 7. We found out earlier in the day that a gal we met in Hawaii was playing at 6, so we ventured up early to watch Makenzie play. They then stayed for Mic's game and we all went to Applebee's for dinner. Was wonderful seeing our new friends from Mansfield again!
I hope to do a little better keeping my blog updated. Would love if you'd leave a note telling me if anyone actually reads this!
Now, on to face the beutiful sunny day god has given us!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Busy, busy, busy.....
We've been very busy! Time is flying by and soon I will have to thik about going back to work-ugh!
Anyway, June 17th, Mic and I flew to Hawaii! She had been selected to play on the "Ohio Softball Team" in the "2008 King Kamehameha Softball Classic." There was also a baseball tournament held at the same time, so we traveled with some of the "guys" too. A long flight but oh so much fun! We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort on Waikiki Beach. On Wednesday we did some site-seeing and shopped at the Aloha Flea Market at Aloha Stadium. Thursday Mic went snorkling and then in the afternoon all of 2000 of us went to Paradise Cove for a Polynesian Show and Dinner. Frida we went sailing and did some shopping and more touring, laid on the beach and sunbathed by one of the 5 pools. Saturday-Sunday were spent at the ball fields for some intense ball games. Mic started at third base, moved to catcher, from there to right field and ended up at first base! Not many gals could/can play this many positions and do a good job but she managed! :) Monday morning we visited Pearl Harbor...........very touching.
We made many new friends, some which will last a life time! All to soon the 10:30 PM flight on 6/23 rolled around! We got home about 9 pm on 6/24, tired but happy. The six hour time difference was a big adjustment when we came home, but we survived! We are ready to go again!
A few of my favorite pictures (we have close to 500 of them!)
travel mates:

Josh, Jeremy, Mic, Joe, Kira
Hilton Hawaiian Village:

Site-seeing shots:

Will post more next post.....................
Anyway, June 17th, Mic and I flew to Hawaii! She had been selected to play on the "Ohio Softball Team" in the "2008 King Kamehameha Softball Classic." There was also a baseball tournament held at the same time, so we traveled with some of the "guys" too. A long flight but oh so much fun! We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort on Waikiki Beach. On Wednesday we did some site-seeing and shopped at the Aloha Flea Market at Aloha Stadium. Thursday Mic went snorkling and then in the afternoon all of 2000 of us went to Paradise Cove for a Polynesian Show and Dinner. Frida we went sailing and did some shopping and more touring, laid on the beach and sunbathed by one of the 5 pools. Saturday-Sunday were spent at the ball fields for some intense ball games. Mic started at third base, moved to catcher, from there to right field and ended up at first base! Not many gals could/can play this many positions and do a good job but she managed! :) Monday morning we visited Pearl Harbor...........very touching.
We made many new friends, some which will last a life time! All to soon the 10:30 PM flight on 6/23 rolled around! We got home about 9 pm on 6/24, tired but happy. The six hour time difference was a big adjustment when we came home, but we survived! We are ready to go again!
A few of my favorite pictures (we have close to 500 of them!)
travel mates:

Josh, Jeremy, Mic, Joe, Kira
Hilton Hawaiian Village:

Site-seeing shots:

Will post more next post.....................
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Graduation Quilts
Every year I made and give my kids closests friends quilts as gifts whe they graduate.....This year was no different! I had to finish one this week and present late, but the others were done on time.



I am missing a picture of Kayla's. Will have to go get one after I get back from vacation.........



I am missing a picture of Kayla's. Will have to go get one after I get back from vacation.........
In Memory of Cody
We pause to remember Cody Brackin, Michelle's classmate, who was killed in an auto accident October 10, 2008. We miss you lots buddy!
Mic Graduates High School
With mixed feelings I watched as my "baby" graduated from high school on May 25, 2008. She graduated with honors and we are so proud of her!
Landscaping Project
We bought and moved to this property Aug. 2005, just before winter so didn't get much of a chance to redo some of the landscaping. Then, with the passing of my In-Laws in the summer of 2006, it was pushed off again. Don't know where 2007 went but we finally have started!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Prayer Quilts
A while back I got involved with a group that makes prayer quilts for cancer patients (a lot of them being kids). Having lost my grandmother and both of my in-laws to cancer and being a cancer survivor, this is a project near and dear to my heart.

I really needed a "stress relief" day yesterday, so I sewed! Here is the quilt I came up with for a young man that likes bears~

Monday, May 19, 2008
Another last.......
Tonight before the last home softball game, the three seniors were honored.

(Lauren, Amy, Michelle)
Each received a scrapbook of their senior year in softball, a monogramed fleece blanket, a softball basket filled with candy, and a candy bouquet. Of course, none of the Mother's shed a tear--wrong! Now what will we do in the evenings since we won't be at the ballpark anymore?
Amy rules 1st base:
Third base belongs to Michelle:

Lauren doninates the mound:

Best wishes to each of you as you continue on life's journey. I will miss all thegreat times we had together!

(Lauren, Amy, Michelle)
Each received a scrapbook of their senior year in softball, a monogramed fleece blanket, a softball basket filled with candy, and a candy bouquet. Of course, none of the Mother's shed a tear--wrong! Now what will we do in the evenings since we won't be at the ballpark anymore?
Amy rules 1st base:
Third base belongs to Michelle:

Lauren doninates the mound:

Best wishes to each of you as you continue on life's journey. I will miss all thegreat times we had together!

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