The time has once again come to prepare for the school year to begin. Ack! I want to stay on vacation! Time has once again slipped away and I didn't get everything accomplished this summer that I wanted to, but that's ok. The summer has been so different for me. No kids at home has left me very lonely at times. Just when I think I have adjusted, a new wave hit me....but it's getting better.
Michelle comes home tomorrow from her summer job--yea!! But she will leave for college again next Friday--booo! Seems impossible that she will be a sophmore in college already---how time flies!
Most of the canning/freezing is done--making sweet pickles today, and want to make some tomoato juice yet sometime. Not overly worried if I don't get it done as I still have some from last year, but like to make some fresh each year. This is something I can do on my Saturday's.
I have been driving for some scrimages the last two weeks. Monday we have orientation and then on Tuesday we roll....can it really be time already?
As for quilting this week.....I am still working on hand quilting Stacy's Star Fling---about an hour a day is all my hands will allow. Am also working on finishing the piecing of her Jelly Bargello. Discovered we were short one fabric--6 cuts at 2 1/2" x 3". I searched and searched for a FQ of this fabric but just couldn't find more anywhere. I finally found a replacement FQ so have now unsewn and all the strips and replaced the 2 1/2 x 3 piece in each strip. I have the top section together and am almost done with section three....maybe I'll get back into the sewing room after dinner tonight?
So, now it's back to the kitchen and the pickles.....................................