Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Busy Friday!
Michelle was home a few days, which I really enjoyed, and needed a few gifts for friends. She had ideas of what she wanted, but we kinda kept putting off making them! Finally Friday we knew we had to get busy!
First, she assembled a few gift baskets for gift exchanges:
Next she pulled two quilts from the "finished" cupboard to give to her break "hosts" as thank you gifts.
She also wanted to make some bulliten boards for her roommates:
We also made a "body pillow" but I forgot to take a picture--will get one on Christmas.
Busy but productive 2.5 hours!!! (and it was FUN!!)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Finished another quilt!!! Another UFO bites the dust! Snow day and 2 hour delay motivated me to actually "do" something!
I will have to find the pattern again so I can tell you the name of it.....came from a magazine..but best of all it's made from my stash and it's done!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Rhapsody in Blue
Awhile back I was looking through some of my saved quilt magazines and I found this pattern. What a great way to use up some of my blues in that tub on the shelf!! Finished the top today since we have a "Snow Day" and are off of work.
Simple 9-patches and squares make up a neat Single Irish Chain!
Simple 9-patches and squares make up a neat Single Irish Chain!
(Quilts and More Winter 2009)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Happier with the added borders!
Back in October, I finished, or so I thought, a Civil War fabric top. I wasn't very happy with it as I felt it wasn't complete. It needed "something." After looking at different websites and pictures, pulling and discarding fabrics, I was pretty sure I'd found a solution. Took the top and fabrics and went to Ann's ( http://granfrysquiltingchaos.blogspot.com/ ). We "played" with a few ideas and finally came up with a solution--it definately needed borders!!!
before: no borders

after: added dk blue/cream/dk green

Now the next challege is to get it quilted!
before: no borders

after: added dk blue/cream/dk green

Now the next challege is to get it quilted!
Monday, November 22, 2010
A New Project.........

.............is on the design wall! Finishing three quilts last month that have been in the UFO bin,I allowed myself to start a new one. This time I'm working out of the "blue" bin.....I did buy two yards of fabric to be used as setting blocks and a possible border. If all works out, this quilt will become a gift for a "special" friend.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thanks for a great Sunday!
Hubby has been gone for nine days now......I've tried to keep busy and the kids have been a great help! After the fun Saturday Stacy and I had, I was sure Sunday would be a loooong day for me? NOT!
Amber (DIL) and Rylee (GD) came and got me and off we went! Headed to Canton. Met up with Michelle and Coty for lunch at
. All the soup/salad/bread sticks you can eat just can't be beat, especially since it was still chilly outside!

After lunch we all headed over to Sam's Club---stocked up on some essentials then we were off for some dessert! Yummy ice cream at
(Michelle works here).

All to soon it was time to head south again towards home :( but wait, the day isn't over yet! Stopped in at Amber's grandmother's--Ryan met us there--more relatives were gathered around so we started playing games...sure made time go fast! Had fun and a lot of laughs especially when Ryan decided we needed to play CandyLand!
THANKS to my awesome kids for keeping me company, especially when the days seem so long!
Saturday's fun in the Studio!
Altho the snow prevented us from doing the (hopefully) final leaf/lawn clean-up on Saturday, the day was successful!
Not often does Stacy get to come and just sew, so we took advantage of her free time! Went to town taking care of my errands, then back to the studio!
She worked on her Pineapple blocks.....................
I worked on a binding then paper-pieced .
I love spending time with my kids! This was a real treat for me and helped the time pass more quickly! THANKS Stacy!!!!
Not often does Stacy get to come and just sew, so we took advantage of her free time! Went to town taking care of my errands, then back to the studio!
She worked on her Pineapple blocks.....................

I worked on a binding then paper-pieced .

I love spending time with my kids! This was a real treat for me and helped the time pass more quickly! THANKS Stacy!!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNOW!
Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground this morning--UCK!!! It's not that I don't like snow, it's just I'm never ready for it to come! With my job, I'd love for someone to invent "road heaters" to keep the snow off the roads! But, not having to work today, it was ok! Even got me out of raking the leaves in the front yard!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bustin' UFO's!!!
Decided this week I have to start getting some of my tops quilted! I am not the best quilter using my sewing machine, but I am learning!!!
Today I busted this Holiday String Quilt. Instead of buying a jelly roll, I made my own strings from my and Lesa's stash...

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Third Week In October.......
............I started this quilt in 2007 as a "sew-a-long" with some gals over at http://www.quiltingaroundtheworld.com/ ...shame on me for letting this one sit for so long!!!! I finally got the binding on this week and it's done! Washed and dried, ready to be used or gifted! It's far from perfect, but I learned so much making this quilt! Definately need to work on color/fabric selection when attempting a pattern this involved! But, I do have a great feeling of accomplishment!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Busting Stash!
Michelle Update:
Michelle had her surgery Oct. 12th. All went well and on the follow up appt. she could actually read the eye chart with her right eye!! So happy for her! Another appt. this week but so far so good!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Medallion-Border 3
Gma has been "ucky!"
As Ms. Rylee says: "Gma has ucky!" The yearly fall allergies have hit me! Been dragging around with the "gunkies" now for two weeks! Hopefully on the mend if only the nasty "Yoder" after-illness-cough would go away! My Dad's family almost all have a cough for a week after being sick, and yep, I follow the trend! Have coughed so much my ribs hurt! Each day seems to be better so hopefully by the time the Swiss Festival rolls around this weekend I'll be able to join some of the festivities! So have been going to work then back on the recliner for downtime....time to kick this and get back on track!
Here's hoping you all are healthy and enjoying the early fall weather!
Here's hoping you all are healthy and enjoying the early fall weather!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Cateract update:
After spending a looooooong time with the Doctor today, Michelle is scheduled to have a physical to make sure she's in good health (shouldn't have a problem there), and an appoitment with a doctor who will check out her Retina, etc. If all these tests come back clear, she will then have her cateract removed on October 12th. It was also discovered today that she can see almost nothing clearly with her right eye--totally bombed the eye chart test and that really scared me!
Everyone seems puzzled why a 20 year old developed a cateract????? No one seems to be able to explain this....
Continued prayers for her as this is all happening during mid-terms at school....She only has one professor that is giving her some grief over this, but hey, my kids' eyesight comes first!!!! We are tired! Need rest, sleep but don't rest..............
Am I sewing/quilting? Trying but not going so great....."Jack" has been very busy the last days so have walked away from the machine for now. Maybe in a day or so.........
Everyone seems puzzled why a 20 year old developed a cateract????? No one seems to be able to explain this....
Continued prayers for her as this is all happening during mid-terms at school....She only has one professor that is giving her some grief over this, but hey, my kids' eyesight comes first!!!! We are tired! Need rest, sleep but don't rest..............
Am I sewing/quilting? Trying but not going so great....."Jack" has been very busy the last days so have walked away from the machine for now. Maybe in a day or so.........
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A Cateract? At 20?????
Yes, it's possible! We found out Tuesday afternoon that Shellz has a cateract in her right eye. She went to get her eye exam thinking contacts were in order, but was told after the exam that the doc can't help her as she has a cateract. :( Phone calls were made, ideas/suggestions were given, professional advise was given, and prayers were said.......and off to work I went.
Late Tuesday evening we decided to have Dr. Clemmens office notified and by noon on Wednesday were given an appointment. Monday, we will go see what he has to say and what our next steps are.......We truely would appreciate your prayers!!
Late Tuesday evening we decided to have Dr. Clemmens office notified and by noon on Wednesday were given an appointment. Monday, we will go see what he has to say and what our next steps are.......We truely would appreciate your prayers!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Back in the "swing" of things
I think! Nothing has been normal for a few weeks so we shall see! Had a fairly rough start to the new school year but hopefully we are all back in the groove by now! I actually got three new students added to my bus list yesterday, so maybe I can finalize my paperwork and turn it in???
- roster #1--done
- am & pm directions #1--done
- seating chart #1--done
- roster #2--done
- am & pm directions #2--done
- seating chart #2--done
- milage & time chart--done
Wahoo, they are all printed so will be turned in this afternoon! This is a huge weight off my shoulders!
Quilting wise--anything accomplished?????
- Puzzle Play--working on the borders (my project I have been taking to Ann's)
- Medallion--working on the 36 three inch blocks for the next border
- Celtic--still hand stitching the bias strips
I also need to sort through the batting closet and see what I have in there! I would like to get a top into the hand-quilting frame and also need to send a few out to be quilted and maybe machine quilt a few of the smaller ones myself............Yep, I have enough to keep me busy, but.....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It's Growing--the Medallion Quilt that is.......
It's too HOT outside to do anything (and the school bus is REALLY HOT in the afternoons) so I have been inside as much as possible!
I finally caved and cut the pieces for the next border of the Medallion Quilt. I actually had to force myself to start sewing again! Being in this slump just isn't going to accomplish anything! It has pretty much taken me all week but the next border is attached!

Long weekend coming up and not sure what I'm going to do. Shellz has to work so won't be coming home. Hubby on a two week run that MIGHT bring him home on Monday....Maybe I'll go play in a Rook tournament one day? or just hide out at home alone? or..............
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Yep, I'm stuck! No desire to sew/quilt,nor do I want to do any housework, laundry, etc.! HELP!!!! I'm pretty sure this all came about with the starting of school and returning to work, but come on, I can usually at least sew! But this past week--nada,nothing! Well, I did hem a pair of work pants for Shellz, but that really doesn't count! Took all of maybe 2 minutes!
I did have a highlight this past week! My friend,Pat, and her sister-in-law were passing through the area so they stayed with me one night. (happy to have the rooms now to host overnight guests! Altho, I miss my kids!) Park Street pizza was requested for dinner Tuesday evening--so yummy! Wednesday we did some "cheese" shopping followed by lunch at Mrs.Yoder's where Ann joined us. All to soon it was time for them to continue on to PA. :(
So, here's to hoping I can get back into the 4:30am wake up call, work 6-9 and 2:30-5 routine real quickly! If not, it's gonna be a loooooong winter!
I did have a highlight this past week! My friend,Pat, and her sister-in-law were passing through the area so they stayed with me one night. (happy to have the rooms now to host overnight guests! Altho, I miss my kids!) Park Street pizza was requested for dinner Tuesday evening--so yummy! Wednesday we did some "cheese" shopping followed by lunch at Mrs.Yoder's where Ann joined us. All to soon it was time for them to continue on to PA. :(
So, here's to hoping I can get back into the 4:30am wake up call, work 6-9 and 2:30-5 routine real quickly! If not, it's gonna be a loooooong winter!
Monday, August 23, 2010
ACK!!! To much to do,to little time!
So, school starts tomorrow and there are alot of "things" not done that I wanted to do this summer!! Have no idea how it got to be August 23rd already!!!
Since we attended an in-service on Friday, we don't have our ususal "day-before-school-starts" one. Not sure I like this since there are usually last minute changes, but will just gowiththeflow tomorrow morning! A nice quiet smooth start would be great!!!

I finally got my border on my Medallion Quit on this morning--now to get the next one cut, which again consists of "geese."

Also need to keep working on a few other UFO's but as you know--staring new projects is soooo much fun!
Since we attended an in-service on Friday, we don't have our ususal "day-before-school-starts" one. Not sure I like this since there are usually last minute changes, but will just gowiththeflow tomorrow morning! A nice quiet smooth start would be great!!!

I finally got my border on my Medallion Quit on this morning--now to get the next one cut, which again consists of "geese."

Also need to keep working on a few other UFO's but as you know--staring new projects is soooo much fun!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This morning we had a visitor on our back deck. Very friendly and wants to be in the house with us. Don't know where he came from, but he's beautiful and friendly. Only problem is, his long hair is causing the girls' allergies to flair up. So, do I keep him in or make him stay outside? Also, so far my other kitty hasn't accepted him........

Friday, August 20, 2010
are on the agenda for a few days! I would like to have ten sets (4 per set) made by the first of October. Have most of them cut, just need to buckle down and get them finished.

Went to the
Holmes County fair this evening. Michelle came home late afternoon and brought her friend, Mandi, along. Hubby is home for a three day weekend (gasp!) and we also had Ms.Rylee for the afternoon so"things" were hopin' around here. It's been a loooong time since we did anything together, so we decided to go to the fair! Altho it was kinda hot and humid, we had fun! Ate food we probably shouldn't of, looked at the animals, and caught up with what's happening in the lives of a lot of friend's we hadn't seen in a while! But, I am sooooo glad my kids are out of 4-H, etc. Just don't think I could still do the "all week camp out" at the fair anymore!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Flying Geese
....OH how I dislike making them!!!! The Medallion Quilt takes 72 of them! Today I got them all make and one border added:

Also made seven blocks to help out a friend-

AND.............did a little shopping!!! Only bought a few yards of WOW since it was on sale...always seem to need white-on-white!
Now, my sewing machine and projects bags are all packed and ready to load....hate the drive home but summer vacations are over and I have to be at work around 3:45.....so need to get an early start in the morning.

Also made seven blocks to help out a friend-

AND.............did a little shopping!!! Only bought a few yards of WOW since it was on sale...always seem to need white-on-white!
Now, my sewing machine and projects bags are all packed and ready to load....hate the drive home but summer vacations are over and I have to be at work around 3:45.....so need to get an early start in the morning.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Reminisee: A Medallion Sampler Quilt
ok....I know I have quilts to quilt and quite a few to finish...but.............
A small group of friends have decided to do a challenge but it involves A LOT of applique! Don't get me wrong, I love seeing applique and would love an appliqued quilt, but I just don't enjoy the handwork! I do some embroidery/counted cross-stitch and am working on a Celtic but to do a WHOLE BIG quilt--not gonna happen for now!
Anyway, another gal doesn't "do" applique either so while out shop-hopping a few weeks ago, we came across a pattern that would challenge us. The two of us will be working on this:
I am not using KT/CW fabrics...just whatever "speaks" to me! My center is made of batik fabrics (yes, I actually cut them--hear me crying??)

I hope to get Pat to "blog" her progress too! I'll post a link to her blog if she agrees!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Update on Crossing Ohio
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Lone Star.........
I've wanted a "Lone Star" quilt for a loooong time but was scared-to-death of the pattern! A few years ago I purchased a foundation pattern from QuiltSmart thinking I could "do" this! I auditioned a lot of fabrics and color palettes before I found the "perfect" one for me!
Finally, a few weeks ago, I got brave enough to cut the fabrics into the triangles I needed! Ok...now what? I went to a mini-retreat this past weekend and took this project with me...knowing that if I got brave enough to attempt starting and got "stuck" I'd have plenty of help! Yep, I was right! Not only did I get the encouragement I needed to start, they were right by my side until I totally understood the pattern and process! I am sooooo thankful for my quilting friends!!!!
I'm also loving what's one my design wall!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Leaving for a mini-retreat tomorrow.....hope to get something done! If not,it's ok--the fellowship with fellow quilters will be reward enough!
See ya in a few days!
See ya in a few days!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Green beans, beans, and more beans!
Yep, got my bushel of green beans this afternoon...love eating them in the winter but absolutely hate the canning process! My dear Mother helped me clean and snap them. Have two canners full going and another two ready to go as soon the first one is done....but oh no, there's more! Me is thinking those will wait until morning! A lot of green beans, but for three families it's not to bad...but where's the help?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
McCall's Quilting Past Issues:
I am looking for the past issues of McCalls Quilting magazine. If you are willing to part with yours, please let me know.
June 2001
I am interested in the Robert Callaham's "Album of Memories."
I am looking for the past issues of McCalls Quilting magazine. If you are willing to part with yours, please let me know.
June 2001
I am interested in the Robert Callaham's "Album of Memories."
Friday, July 23, 2010
I am planning on joining the Friday Night Sew-In tonight hosted by Heidi and Bobbi...wanna join in?
Got 2 blocks made tonight--not bad since I am not a fast paper-piecer! So now I have 12 of 30 (I think) made....slowly but surely I'll get the blocks done! Also started getting some things ready for a mini-retreat next weekend....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Find of the Week!
Moving my sewing studio I came upon this box that I had stuck away three years ago. I got this little shoe box at my In-Laws estate auction and kinda forgot about it........
Took it along to Ann's today and I do believe this wonderful friend of mine can guide me along the way to finish it. Haven't counted the finished arcs or anything, but I don't really care how big or small the quilt will be, it will be a wonderful memorial of my late mother-in-laws piecing!

Monday, July 19, 2010
Growing to fast!
Yes, Grandma thinks her precious granddaughter is growing to fast!!!!! She's such a joy and I love that I get to spend one day a week with her this summer...what will I do come school time????
Sunday, July 18, 2010
was on the adgenda for today. I tend to get side-tracked very easily and quickly when paper-piecing! I don't hate it any more but far from loving the process!!
A year ago Michelle picked out the pattern and fabrics for a quilt and I now only have 10 blocks made! I had intended for it to be done now? I have to find something to keep me motivated to keep working on this! Suggestions???

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Monday, July 12th, 2010, Hubby fell off the back of his trailer when a tarp strap broke while he was "tieing down" his load. He finished the week, coming home on Thursday, before receiving medical help---that's men for ya! He has scrapes and bruises on both arms and legs, and one foot--we haven't figured out why just one foot and basically only one toe!
The x-rays show a hairline fracture in his right wrist, so he's sporting a blue cast on it. I was very nervous with him leaving this afternoon for another run and it being all the way to Oregon!! It took Shellz and me three hours to get him on the road (helping him stock his refrigerator, packing the suitcase, making sure he had everythingm and updating paperwork). Just talked to him and all seems to be going well, just taking a little more time than usual. I just to have faith that the trip will go smoothly and all will be ok!
right arm
right thumb and wrist
cuts and bruises all over
only one toe bruised
the cast
The x-rays show a hairline fracture in his right wrist, so he's sporting a blue cast on it. I was very nervous with him leaving this afternoon for another run and it being all the way to Oregon!! It took Shellz and me three hours to get him on the road (helping him stock his refrigerator, packing the suitcase, making sure he had everythingm and updating paperwork). Just talked to him and all seems to be going well, just taking a little more time than usual. I just to have faith that the trip will go smoothly and all will be ok!

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