Friday, December 30, 2011
I am slowly decorating the new place. Definitely taking my time doing a little at a time. I have become "hooked" on www.pinterest.com and see so many neat ideas!!
My bathroom candle design:
My bathroom candle design:

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Goodie Bags~
This year I wanted to do something a little different for "My Kids." Ideas were thrown around, but with the "time factor," I couldn't get done what I wanted so maybe that will work for next year if I start now????
I stole this idea from Stacy:
BUT! a lot of my candy canes were broken, so she suggested I make some Peppermint Bark:
Also found a great deal on a huge bag of assorted candy, so made "candy bags" for all the kids: "hearts" for the gals and "bark" for the guys.
My baskets are ready to go:

I stole this idea from Stacy:

BUT! a lot of my candy canes were broken, so she suggested I make some Peppermint Bark:

Also found a great deal on a huge bag of assorted candy, so made "candy bags" for all the kids: "hearts" for the gals and "bark" for the guys.
My baskets are ready to go:

Flannel Quilt
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Weekend Adventure~
This past weekend I had a chance to "go west." I took some of my quilt tops/backing/batting to my friend Kris in Sprinfield, OH, and she will quilt them for me. I am just not getting them done! She then traveled with me south to Lesa's house in Bellbrook. Lesa took us the http://www.fabricshack.com/. UT-OH!!!!! But I was good and only bought a few fabrics that I knew I needed to finish projects and two fabrics for one new project! This shop is dangerous!!! From here we went on a hunt for food!!! The joy having a good meal with great friends is priceless!!
sample 1
my block started
I am also making a tree:

I spent the night at Lesa's and on Saturday, we were honored to take a class taught by Teri Tope, http://www.materialgirldesigns.com/, on reverse applique. Yet, you read right, this chick, who DOESN'T applique took an applique class!!! I am SOLD on this method! If all applique could be done using this methos, I'd sure do more of it! I didn't get very far on my projects, but, that's ok, winter's coming!

I am also making a tree:

I definately wasn't ready to head back home on Sunday, but.......
Flannel anyone?
Going through some older magazines, I found a pattern called "One Block Quilt" in the Spring 2008 issue of Easy Quilts. When we changed out the summer quilts to the fall/winter ones, we discovered that we were one flannel quilt short! Don't know how that happened as I've been making flannel quilts for what seems forever!
Anyway, this week we have the beginnings of another flannel quilt on the design wall. I know I don't have enough of the greens to do the border shown in the pattern so will keep digging in the totes for something--or use the piece I found while shopping a the Fabric Shack this past weekend with Lesa and Kris!
Anyway, this week we have the beginnings of another flannel quilt on the design wall. I know I don't have enough of the greens to do the border shown in the pattern so will keep digging in the totes for something--or use the piece I found while shopping a the Fabric Shack this past weekend with Lesa and Kris!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Awwww...a finish!

When stressed, I piece/quilt! So since this past month has been a HIGH stress level time for me, I have used up 5 1/2 yards of stash fabric, a backing, and some batting. I only purchaed 2 1/2 yards of fabric at 25% off for this quilt. If I remember corectly, I started the cutting of this quilt Oct. 1st.......Now it's in the dryer and ready to be mailed out as a gift to~~~~~~~~~
Monday, October 24, 2011
of quilt tops that are stored and need quilting is in progress....
So far I have seven tops hanging here with the backings that need to be quilted. I am at the point of hiring someone to machine quilt them for me--nothing fancy, just get them done! Any suggestions?
I have also found three that I need to buy/make backings for. I am sure there are more since I haven't opened some totes yet! I won't even start with the half done/started tops as of yet! For some reason I am finding that I have become a "topper!" Is there a cure????????
Thursday, October 13, 2011
"I Have A Notion"
On the Wall
right now is the beginnings of a very scrappy blues/tans/creams quilt. This so out of my element!!! I am trying really hard to stay true scrappy, but......
So far I have used 5 1/2 yards of fabric pieces for the blocks all from stash! Not sure what will be used for the borders, just may have to have some fabric retail theraphy for those!

Andy's Quilt
Mr. Miller's grandmother hand-pieced this quilt top for him but didn't get it quilted before she passed. I was asked to sandwich it and quilt it......Beautiful Trip-Around-The-World!
time has gotten away from me! Not sure where the time has gone but I know I am behind in almost everything!! Work has been a challenge but slowly getting into the routine......But it's sad that we count the days from one break to another! This to shall pass! (at least I hope so or it's going to be a loooong year!)
Am loving the wonderful fall weather between the rain! But, let it rain because then it's not that white stuff!!! Slowly getting everything setup in my studio and the new home. Taking my time and still changing my mind alot! Also still sorting and purging all the "stuff!"
More in a bit......
Am loving the wonderful fall weather between the rain! But, let it rain because then it's not that white stuff!!! Slowly getting everything setup in my studio and the new home. Taking my time and still changing my mind alot! Also still sorting and purging all the "stuff!"
More in a bit......
Friday, August 26, 2011
School is in session
for the 2011-2012 year. Am having trouble readjusting to going to bed at 9:30 and getting up at 4:30! Would much rather stay up late (yes, I've always been a night owl) and then sleep in. It's hard when hubby stays up until 1-2 AM then sleeps until 9-10 AM, but that's been his sleep routine for about forty years!
Kids so far are wonderful. It's not always easy adjusting to new a new bus driver, getting up earlier, and a new school routine for the NINETEEN seventh graders I have! But they/we are working it out. New kindergardeners have been dry-eyed so far-pray it stays that way!
I have been slowing setting up my studio. Not everything is moved in yet, but come on, I HAVE to be able to sew/quilt between routes or I'll totally go insane! It's far from being the way I am envisioning it, but at least I can cut and sew!! Maybe over the holiday weekend i can get some of the kids to help finish the moving? Will see........
Kids so far are wonderful. It's not always easy adjusting to new a new bus driver, getting up earlier, and a new school routine for the NINETEEN seventh graders I have! But they/we are working it out. New kindergardeners have been dry-eyed so far-pray it stays that way!
I have been slowing setting up my studio. Not everything is moved in yet, but come on, I HAVE to be able to sew/quilt between routes or I'll totally go insane! It's far from being the way I am envisioning it, but at least I can cut and sew!! Maybe over the holiday weekend i can get some of the kids to help finish the moving? Will see........
Friday, August 19, 2011
is it that almost everything is moved from the house BUT my sewing studio????? All I need help with is moving the cabinets and tables.....the rest I can do myself. BUT for some strange reason, I can't get the guys to help get this moved. Look out--if THIS Momma can't sew between bus routes, she's NOT gonna be very happy and then you won't be happy either--this I promise!!!
OK..now I have vented so I'll go play with the little bit of fabric I have here!
OK..now I have vented so I'll go play with the little bit of fabric I have here!
OH WOW!!!!!
I am so humbled by the generosity of my friend Elizabeth!!!! "Liz" and I met on-line a few years ago though an on-line quilting group. We met in person in 1998 and have stayed friends. Last week she told me she was getting rid of a "bunch" of her stash and wanted me to have it! Ok, what's the catch??? I had to travel to the Pittsburg, PA area to get it....... ummmmm...now, when????
After talking to Michelle, we decided we would do a "road trip" yet this week before I returned to work and she started fall classes--it worked out that she had yesterday off, so away we went!
I went to Canton on Wednesday night and stayed with Michelle overnight--we both got much needed hair cuts and had dinner at Ruby Tuesday's.....(and of course, Handel's ice cream for dessert!!!)
Thursday morning we hit the road around 8:00. Our first stop was at IKEA!!! Spent a few hours here then off to Golden Corral for some food! Stop number two was in Moon, PA--my friend's house. It was sooooooo wonderful seeing her again after thirteen years!!!! So, ok, we don't live THAT far apart, but both work and are/were involved in kids/family stuff, but I'm hoping now that our kids are older and mostly on thier own, we can connect more often??? Anyway, here are pictures of what she gave me! (and no the fabric won't stay on there sheveles, only there to air out the mothball smells)
From there we traveled to Grove City and hit the outlet shops--ummmm, no further comments needed on this stop!! lol Grabbed dinner at a drive-tho on the way home. Met up with some rain showers and construction, but made good time..
Has a wonderful and fun day, altho, me thinks me is getting to old for this much in one day!!!! I was sooooo tired!!
Thanks again Liz for your generosity and thanks Michelle for a fun day shopping!!
Cosmic Jewels
August 10, 2011 I was privilaged to travel to Fairborn, Ohio and take workshop by Debbie Maddy (http://www.calicocarriage.com/). Oh how wonderful! Had a great time! My top isn't finished as I need to add the borders, but this was so much fun!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011
Moving Days
have arrived! Will be so happy to be able to walk without dodging boxes!
See you next week!
See you next week!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Retreat time:
Once again I was able to attena a quilting retreat this past weekend in Torch, Ohio. (hey, didn't wash all those busses for nothing!) Was winderful to get away from all the "mess" at home for a few days!
Sure didn't get everything accomplished I wanted to, but enjoyed myself--
New SCRAPY (gasp!!) project started:
And I made another purse/bag (not that I needed one!)
Also made a block to add to the "comfort quilt" that is being made for a fellow quilter diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Thoughts and prayers go with Sherry.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Not what I had planned
on doing today!!

I wanted to keep working on my snowball blocks between loads of laundry, etc. But, while runnning a few errands this morning, Hubby and I decided to stop at the local produce stand. Seeing all the green beans she had, reminded me that I needed to order some to can and stock the shelves for winter......was very surprised to find out she had extra today and I came home with a bushel of green beans! Hubby helped clean and snap them or I'd still be at it! So, three families will have beans to eat this winter if nothing else!
Now, next week I can sew?????
Friday, July 8, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Stash Enhancement
was on the agenda yesterday and today!!! It felt soooooo good to be able to add to the collection!

Quilt shops visited were: Mrs. Miller's in Charm, Pine Tree in Kidron, Somewheresewing west of Millersburg, and Lone Star in Mt. Hope. Also made a stop at Pat Catan's! Had so much fun with Pat and Becky!!
Finally I have put my "Sewing Jars" into a top!! I am hoping to use this as a wall hanging in my studio after we move......

Fun Times
with an unplanned visit from friends! Got a phone call asking if they could visit for a few days??? DUH!! My house is a mess with packing boxes/newspapers/stacked boxes/etc.....but if you can deal with it, come on!!!
Today we visited two quilt shops and a craft store--lunch on the go and then pizza/salads for dinner.
Due to Amber having a flat tire, we got to see the son, Ryan, DIL, Amber and MS. Rylee to! I think this is the first Rylee actually saw me sewing. I walked away to press my project and this is what I found when I returned: (thankfully I had turn the machine off!!)

Monday, July 4, 2011
is what we will be doing Aug. 6th so my time has been spent sorting though our "stuff." What to keep? discard? Where did all this stuff come from????
Did a little sewing with friends last week, but not near enough!! Have a few new ideas just waiting to be started, but until I am in the new studio, it's just not gonna happen.
So, until I have something exciting to update---I'll just take breaks and read your blogs.........
Did a little sewing with friends last week, but not near enough!! Have a few new ideas just waiting to be started, but until I am in the new studio, it's just not gonna happen.
So, until I have something exciting to update---I'll just take breaks and read your blogs.........
Monday, June 13, 2011
Spinning Black and White
Altho I still don't remember who all swapped with me in this swap, the top is done. Another one added to the "to be quilted" pile. Would be nice if these tops just magically quilted themselves!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Looking for
the ladies that swapped in this Pinwheel swap with me? Were you one of them??? Please contact me if you were! The blocks are all done in black/white/wob/bow.

Using scraps......
So many scraps! Time to "get-a-grip" on them! I was intrigued with Bonnie Hunter's pattern (http://quiltville.com/outonastring.shtml) Out on a String. Pat had two 6' diamond rulers so I changed my stars from 3" to 6". I am also using one fabric as the center for each star--I know, controlled scrappy again, but it's a start!!! Not sure how many stars I will make yet....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
"My Time"
.....was spent at a friend's house for a few days. I left Monday forenoon and will travel back home tomorrow morning. We spent time sewing/quilting, chatting and having lunch with more friends. Also did a little shopping.
Progress: Disappearing 9-Patch top is completed-
A "Shelley" bag was made:
I continued working on my "Sewing Jar" blocks and my black-n-white Pinwheel blocks. My string blocks have been started, and I tested a "scrappy Majestic Mountains" pattern. All in all, a great feeling of accomplishment and a time of relaxlation!!!!!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
A day of stash management
was on the agenda for today. I have so many pieces of fabric I'll never use in a current/future project. Often have to ask myself WHY did I buy that????? Spending a lot of time sewing/quilting with Ann has opened my eyes to the "Scrappy World." No, I still can't make a totally scrappy quilt by just picking up strips/etc., but I am working on it. I can do "controlled" scrappy...guess that's a start?
Anyway, today I decided I needed to actually DO something with some of these fabrics instead of moving them from place to place! At Ann's on Thursday, I remarked there's a pattern I'd like to make but don't know what colorway--yet you guessed it, her remark was "well, scrappy, of course!" All day yesterday I thought about this. Can I really do it with some of these no-longer-wanted fabrics?
I started by pulling out the bins and started by cutting 8.5 inch squares...I needed 66 of them. Ummmm I've cut them with no repeats--ut-oh!!!!! The unused pieces went into an empty bin. I did use all one fabric for the co-ordinating fabric, so once again I have a "controlled scrappy" kit cut out.
I started with 5 bins full this size: (they were full!)
now all fabrics are in bins this size and I can actually find something!
well, all but this:
Now I need to figure out HOW to cut these into useable scraps??????
T-Shirt Quilt
A while back I was asked to make a t-shirt quilt for a friend's daughter:

School's Out!!!!!
And I think I am once agian "amoung the living!" Every year the last month of school seems to get busier and busier! In the mist of all this Michelle finished up her Jr. year of college and had to be moved. I sadly missed the Ohio Quilter's Retreat because of this move. Unless something drastic happens, so won't have to move now until the end of her college life and depending on the job, she will stay where she's at.
Again, I helped out at the bus garage after school ended washing buses inside getitng them ready for State Inspection. Started with a list of 8, which grew to 15 then 16! Finished that up on Thursday morning then quickly headed to visit Ann before they found more! My arms and back are still achy, but it paid good and that's fabric money!!! :)
Now I intend to enjoy my summer off--at least for awhile!
Again, I helped out at the bus garage after school ended washing buses inside getitng them ready for State Inspection. Started with a list of 8, which grew to 15 then 16! Finished that up on Thursday morning then quickly headed to visit Ann before they found more! My arms and back are still achy, but it paid good and that's fabric money!!! :)
Now I intend to enjoy my summer off--at least for awhile!
Friday, April 8, 2011
More Practice Needed!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Churn Dash in 30's forals
Still working on using up my "stash," I made twelve Churn Dash blocks using my 30's florals. I strip bordered them at retreat last weekend and made the top---now to get it quilted!!!
Disappearing Nine-Patch
Had a chance to escape last weekend!! Went to a small retreat down in Torch, OH. Had a wonderful time with some pretty awesome quilting friends!!! Wasn't sure what I wanted to take to work on? I wanted "mindless" sewing! I needed to regroup and refresh, not only my body, but mind also! The BOW/WOB/brights 9-patches have been sitting here. I had started cutting and resewing them but just didn't have the stick-to-itness I needed to finish, so to retreat they went! I've also added a solid black border and and trying to decide what to do for the last border(s)????? Got a few great suggestions from the other quilters at retreat, now have to decide! What do you suggest?????? (from 9-patch to a disappearing 9-patch)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
oh boy......
...I have NO idea where the last month went!!!??!!! A lot of time was spent at my parents....My Dad is home and doing really well. Still have some problems regulating his morning sugar count, but that's something we are dealing with. And, the weather played some surprises on us...rain...hail...snow.... UCK!!!!! The other afternoon it was just snowing a few flakes at 2 when I went to work by 4 I could hardly see a quarter mile ahead! Then the next day it was sunny and 50!!! Awwww the joys of living in Ohio! :) As for sewing/quilting.....will catch up on that in a few.......
Friday, February 25, 2011
Just an update:
NO sewing
NO warm weather
NO school--again
It's been a wild ride this month! Due to this crazy Ohio weather, we have missed a lot of school or had delayed starts. Thus, my schedules are all messed up!! ggggrrrrrrr Today we are having another ice storm followed with snow. Kids have to move into their new home this weekend--not going to be a fun move! (huuummmm......maybe I could stay at home and watch Ms. Rylee instead of helping move???)
Dad is still in rehab---not progressing very fast, but making some progress.so we are taking it one-day-at-a-time. He wants to go home, but........
I think a nice hot cup of tea is in order so catch up with you later!
NO warm weather
NO school--again
It's been a wild ride this month! Due to this crazy Ohio weather, we have missed a lot of school or had delayed starts. Thus, my schedules are all messed up!! ggggrrrrrrr Today we are having another ice storm followed with snow. Kids have to move into their new home this weekend--not going to be a fun move! (huuummmm......maybe I could stay at home and watch Ms. Rylee instead of helping move???)
Dad is still in rehab---not progressing very fast, but making some progress.so we are taking it one-day-at-a-time. He wants to go home, but........
I think a nice hot cup of tea is in order so catch up with you later!
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Dad.....
...fell last Tuesday and hasn't recovered very well so am asking for your thoughts and prayers.
He didn't break anything, but really bruised his back. Being a heart and diabetic patient on top of this, leaves to a very slow recovery!
He didn't break anything, but really bruised his back. Being a heart and diabetic patient on top of this, leaves to a very slow recovery!
From Tuesday-Friday early afternoon he was in the hospital. We then had him moved to Walnut Hills Rehab Center. All has NOT gone so well there either! He is confused at times and just seems to have given up. ACK!!!! We are praying that everything starts in an up-swing this week!
Needless to say, I haven't touched my sewing machine lately! Nor have I been able to consentrate on hand stitching. Maybe if I cleaned up the studio, I'd be able to steal a few minutes here and there? So, I'm off to see what can be accomplished before heading back to work. Will stop and see my Dad on the way home this evening...this will become a daily thing for now.
Have a great week!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My Find.....
Went to an auction with Ryan and Amber on Monday evening. Lots of crafts and fabrics but they went for outragious prices so I left them there except......
I just couldn't turn these Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks down! Have no idea if/when I will ever get them into a quilt, but for now these 80 blocks are ALL MINE!!!!!
I just couldn't turn these Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks down! Have no idea if/when I will ever get them into a quilt, but for now these 80 blocks are ALL MINE!!!!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wanna an icicle?
Lots of them on my bus even after sitting in the sun all day yesterday! Felt good getting out and about this morning even if it was to go to work!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Black and White con't:
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Another day off work....
...due to the ice storm that came through overnight and they are calling for more ice and snow plus it's windy and cold!! Not very thrilled about it! Staying home and inside as long as the power doesn't go off.

I did get Michelle's taxes filed and ours started.....will finish later as the numbers were getting blurry! Needed a break so headed to the sewing studio..
Have 30 9-patch blocks made. Need to finish pressing them. Think tonight I'll sit and do some hand-work while watching TV......
Sure hope we can go to school tomorrow--I need people!!
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