Friday, April 8, 2011

More Practice Needed!

I've been working on perfecting my machine quilting on my domestic machine. Truely believe I need to keep practicing!!!! Used a different batting and I'm not thrilled with the result. Rylee likes it though--butterflies and purple!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Churn Dash in 30's forals

Still working on using up my "stash," I made twelve Churn Dash blocks using my 30's florals. I strip bordered them at retreat last weekend and made the top---now to get it quilted!!!

Disappearing Nine-Patch

Had a chance to escape last weekend!! Went to a small retreat down in Torch, OH. Had a wonderful time with some pretty awesome quilting friends!!! Wasn't sure what I wanted to take to work on? I wanted "mindless" sewing! I needed to regroup and refresh, not only my body, but mind also! The BOW/WOB/brights 9-patches have been sitting here. I had started cutting and resewing them but just didn't have the stick-to-itness I needed to finish, so to retreat they went! I've also added a solid black border and and trying to decide what to do for the last border(s)????? Got a few great suggestions from the other quilters at retreat, now have to decide! What do you suggest?????? (from 9-patch to a disappearing 9-patch)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Celebrating a birthday

Hubby had a birthday a few weeks ago....the girls joined in on a "birthday dinner" affair!

oh boy......

...I have NO idea where the last month went!!!??!!! A lot of time was spent at my parents....My Dad is home and doing really well. Still have some problems regulating his morning sugar count, but that's something we are dealing with. And, the weather played some surprises on us...rain...hail...snow.... UCK!!!!! The other afternoon it was just snowing a few flakes at 2 when I went to work by 4 I could hardly see a quarter mile ahead! Then the next day it was sunny and 50!!! Awwww the joys of living in Ohio! :) As for sewing/quilting.....will catch up on that in a few.......