This past weekend I had a chance to "go west." I took some of my quilt tops/backing/batting to my friend Kris in Sprinfield, OH, and she will quilt them for me. I am just not getting them done! She then traveled with me south to Lesa's house in Bellbrook. Lesa took us the UT-OH!!!!! But I was good and only bought a few fabrics that I knew I needed to finish projects and two fabrics for one new project! This shop is dangerous!!! From here we went on a hunt for food!!! The joy having a good meal with great friends is priceless!!
sample 1
my block started
I am also making a tree:

I spent the night at Lesa's and on Saturday, we were honored to take a class taught by Teri Tope,, on reverse applique. Yet, you read right, this chick, who DOESN'T applique took an applique class!!! I am SOLD on this method! If all applique could be done using this methos, I'd sure do more of it! I didn't get very far on my projects, but, that's ok, winter's coming!

I am also making a tree:

I definately wasn't ready to head back home on Sunday, but.......