I just got home from a wonderful "quilting" vacation! Joined up with some gals in TN for a week of sewing, shopping, etc. Also got to attend the first AQS show in Knoxville--wahoo! Have to get the camera cord from Shellz so I can get some pictures on here, but needed to start updating my blog--I'm getting really behind with this.
I left here on 07/16/'09 and traveled to Bellbrook, OH...stayed with Lesa until we left for TN on 07/19/'09. (we visited "The Shack" on Friday--
http://www.fabricshack.com/) Arrived at The Wyndham Smokey Mt. Resort around 5 Sunday evening. (Thanks Sandy & Joy!) Monday and Tuesaday we sewed, got aquainted with the other gals in our group, 7 went to a quilt shop. I managed to get the center of my "Ringo Star" done

and also worked on my "Wyoming Star" blocks. Wednesday we headed to Knoxville to the AQS quilt show...... Thursday, Lesa and I ventured out to a few quilt shops: Two of the shops I really enjoyed:
http://www.pappysquilting.com/http://www.quiltingatthecherrypit.com/Friday and Saturday we sewed some more and just "chilled out." I did start a new project too. I wasn't happy with one I had with me and decided to use those fabrics (and a few I bought) to make a quilt I'd enjoy.
Sunday morning, Lesa and I headed to Paducah,KY....loooooong drive!! We visited the National Quilt Museum in the afternoon. Some truely awesome quilts on display! They didn't allow pictures tho :(.
Dinner and motel afterwards and we crashed! On Monday we visited Hancocks of Paducah (
http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/)...ummmmm ut-oh! From there we headed back to Lesa's.......long week, but so much fun! I spent an extra day with Lesa (got the borders on the "Ringo Star" and had dinner with friends, Kris, Janet, Lesa, and Cathy Tuesday evening before heading home this forenoon. Since it was pouring rain and I wasn't in a super rush, I headed on over to Cambridge and had lunch with Shellz before finally coming home----now to unpack and put everything back in it's place!
(more pictures later)