Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Catching up?

At least I'm trying to! Sent a few days in bed last week with the "crud." Not my idea of fun!! Anyway, am better and trying to get caught up....many basketball games going on this week, Final Four in Columbus for our girls team, and the guys are in Regionals. I can't make it to all of the games, but sure wish them the best of luck..... GO HAWKS!!! This also messes up the work schedule with a 3 PM game two hours away!!! Not sure sometimes if I'm coming or going!

Also start spring break at 5 PM on Friday---AYEEE!!! Plans are to be out of town a few days---wonder who would dare to mess those plans up for me???? Have to decide what I am taking with me as time will be spent sewing/quilting---UNINTERRUPTED!!!! Is it Friday yet?????

Haven't sewn much, played around with some designs tho.......interesting. Am working on "spring" cleaning the house.....temperatures are warmer and the suns been shining so want to get this all done before I leave......am leaving the yard to Adin!!! (well, I can dream right?)

So have a good week and I'll check in from Lesa's!


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