start this week over??? As we headed back to work/school this morning, it seemed like nothing went right! COLD and snow greeted me as I headed outside....snow seemed to be just a dusting so not to bad. Almost made it to work--like two minutes away and my truck breaks down.....grrrr......Thank goodness for cell phones! I was picked up and at work within five minutes! Also got hubby up at 6 am (and no he wasn't impressed!) to let him know where the truck was parked......Guess the altenator decided it didn't want to work anymore. :(
Bus routes went pretty well--snow covered roads--and only "ran" a few minutes late. Hubby came and got me and we got the truck home. Thanks to the willing helping hands of Kevin, the truck is working again and I can use it tomorrow. Do I dare wish for a snow day so soon after break???? The way I feel tonight, I sure could use a day at home in my pj's! Needless to say, no sewing or quilting got done today! It's not 8:00 and I am soooo ready for bed!

Tomorrow will be a new day so we will see what it brings......
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