Friday, August 19, 2011

OH WOW!!!!!

I am so humbled by the generosity of my friend Elizabeth!!!! "Liz" and I met on-line a few years ago though an on-line quilting group. We met in person in 1998 and have stayed friends. Last week she told me she was getting rid of a "bunch" of her stash and wanted me to have it! Ok, what's the catch??? I had to travel to the Pittsburg, PA area to get it......., when????

After talking to Michelle, we decided we would do a "road trip" yet this week before I returned to work and she started fall classes--it worked out that she had yesterday off, so away we went!

I went to Canton on Wednesday night and stayed with Michelle overnight--we both got much needed hair cuts and had dinner at Ruby Tuesday's.....(and of course, Handel's ice cream for dessert!!!)

Thursday morning we hit the road around 8:00. Our first stop was at IKEA!!! Spent a few hours here then off to Golden Corral for some food! Stop number two was in Moon, PA--my friend's house. It was sooooooo wonderful seeing her again after thirteen years!!!! So, ok, we don't live THAT far apart, but both work and are/were involved in kids/family stuff, but I'm hoping now that our kids are older and mostly on thier own, we can connect more often??? Anyway, here are pictures of what she gave me! (and no the fabric won't stay on there sheveles, only there to air out the mothball smells)

I am still in awe! There just simply aren't words to describe my thanks!!!

From there we traveled to Grove City and hit the outlet shops--ummmm, no further comments needed on this stop!! lol Grabbed dinner at a drive-tho on the way home. Met up with some rain showers and construction, but made good time..

Has a wonderful and fun day, altho, me thinks me is getting to old for this much in one day!!!! I was sooooo tired!!

Thanks again Liz for your generosity and thanks Michelle for a fun day shopping!!


Liz said...

Wonderful to see you! Need a reason to sew again - going thru all those memories yesterday made my heart ache for all the wonderful projects I planned but never got to. I need to get busy on the dozens of applique blocks I kept! Of all the people I know, you're the one who would make the most of my long-lost stash! I'm glad it's found a loving home with you. ox - liz.

Pat's place said...

i am so glad to see the wonderful fabric your friend gave you...the machine is beautiful. is that the one you are taking to retreat next month?