Monday, November 26, 2012

Strolling Down

"Easy Street" with Bonnie Hunter!

Another new Mystery Quilt has begun....Oh, how I am hoping I can keep up this year!! I have been going through my "stash" and have selected my fabrics. They are sitting in a basket just waiting on their turn to finally become a quilt!!

Won't you join in the fun????


I decided to use only one grey and have replaced it with a darker one hoping to make the black-on-white "pop" more.

I have cut my 2 inch strips of black-on-white and my grey. I have 120 of the 192 4-patches made. I will get the rest made when I get home from my "mini vacation."

Finally got the rest cut now to get them sewn. It's been 'one of those weeks,' Love when we only have a four day week, but it sure throws me off schedule!



Candace said...

120 is a really good start, the mysteries are so much fun to participate in.

~Deb Lindley said...

You are well on your way - don't stop 'til you get there! Love your Singer - looks like one of mine ;-)

Last year was my first mystery quilt w/Bonnie Hunter and I stressed out over whether I would be able to keep up, but I did well most weeks. There will be other weeks that you will have some extra time and can go back and 'fill in' where you may have come up short...but the most important thing of all - don't forget to have FUN!

Happy Stitchin'

Anonymous said...

You're almost there! Can't wait for step 2 although probably shouldn't be wishing the weeks away this close to Christmas.

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

I love seeing what everyone has pulled out for the background and their choice for constant! Thank you for sharing yours, Sharyn