Monday, December 9, 2013

Celtic Solstice ..week 2

Another week has rolled around and the studio has been a busy place! My blocks for step #1 are together, just need to given them a final pressing and square them up.


I have around 70 blocks done for step #2. These should be completed before the next step is revealed. 

Check out what other's are doing with this Mystery at:

 This is once again a challenge for me since I have a very hard time piecing/designing/quilting scrappy! Slowly I am overcoming this hurdle!  I am finding I usually like the end results of "scrappy," it's just hard for me to do....But, overcoming this 'mind-set' and branching out of my comfort zone is learning! I will keep trying!


Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Your work is looking good and you can be sure this will be a beautiful quilt when done!!

Dar said...

Your blocks look great. Take it from experience, you will be hooked on scrappy if you hang around with Bonnie and the rest of us long enough. lol It is so liberating.

Debi said...

Looking good so far! I just love your kitty-meow!