Friday, August 26, 2011

School is in session

for the 2011-2012 year. Am having trouble readjusting to going to bed at 9:30 and getting up at 4:30! Would much rather stay up late (yes, I've always been a night owl) and then sleep in. It's hard when hubby stays up until 1-2 AM then sleeps until 9-10 AM, but that's been his sleep routine for about forty years!

Kids so far are wonderful. It's not always easy adjusting to new a new bus driver, getting up earlier, and a new school routine for the NINETEEN seventh graders I have! But they/we are working it out. New kindergardeners have been dry-eyed so far-pray it stays that way!

I have been slowing setting up my studio. Not everything is moved in yet, but come on, I HAVE to be able to sew/quilt between routes or I'll totally go insane! It's far from being the way I am envisioning it, but at least I can cut and sew!! Maybe over the holiday weekend i can get some of the kids to help finish the moving? Will see........

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