Monday, September 10, 2007


While visiting Lesa in August, she helped me get started on my BellaBella top......I finished five "wedges" then didn't work on it with school starting and everything else that has been going on with the parents, etc.

An on-line group I belong to, has started challenging each other to work on projects to help keep us motivated. Last week I was challenged to make another five "wedges." I am happy to report, I met that challenge and my BellaBella is slowly becoming a top! Not done yet, but now ten wedges are done! Hopefully you can see the light & dark yellows and reds with the black, white, and green.


Kim West said...

Oh wow -- I have the book and really want to work on that.... I am scared to start though.

Unknown said...'s not that hard! I was scared too until Lesa sat me down and went over each section step by step.......I am actually liking it (but don't tell Lesa!) This may get me to paper-piece more.