Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Storm Hits

The weatherman predicted a snowstorm for our way did we expect the 17 iches of snow with winds! I was all set to spend today in the sewing studio but those plans changed! There was no way I could let Hubby do all the snow shoveling alone! He started by digging out the back sidewalk as I got a pot of chili simmering.....following our lunch I ventured out to help him shovel. Now I need to relax before I even think about quilting! A nice cup of hot tea with a piece of freshly baked carrot cake and and I'll be ready to head into the studio--at least I hope so!
.......Main Street is where?
.......and the sidewalk is here?
.......Hubby's car is snowed in

.......finally found the driveway

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